Answers to Questions
Below is a compilation of answers to several of the most common questions about the PhysicalGenesis study, conducted from 2015-2018.
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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the purpose of the study?
The study will help us to understand better how physical fitness and health is associated with physical activity, particularly for students in Adventist schools.
2. Is there a pamphlet or guide that schools can distribute to teachers and parents?
Yes, anybody may access the one-page informational sheet.
» Click here to access a PDF file.
3. What is the school administrator’s role?
To ensure their teachers and students complete the fitness testing.
4. Will each student have his/her own username and password?
Each student does have their own NAD ID#, but since the study is only doing Fitness Testing and not a student survey, the student does not need to log in. ONLY the teacher who teaches the PE class needs to log in to enter Fitness Test scores for their students.
5. Since the student’s student ID number is being used, how is their privacy protected?
The student’s privacy will be carefully protected. Only the student’s teacher and the primary researcher will have access to the students’ fitness scores. Even then, once the researcher imports the completed master set of data from WELNET, the students’ personal identifying information will be deleted from their fitness scores so nobody will be able to link their fitness scores to their identity.
6. How do I help my students get ready for the fitness test?
You may have them practice the actual fitness tests as often as you wish to help them be comfortable (familiar) with them so that they are not “learning” how to do the test when they are actually performing the fitness tests.
7. Do teachers need to measure the student’s height and weight or can the teacher just ask the student for the information?
It is important that the teacher measure the students’ height and weight. When taking these measurements, teachers should do it sensitively in a way that protects each student’s privacy and sense of dignity. Enter height in inches to the nearest 1/2 inch. For example, enter 53.5 if the student is 4’ and 5.5” tall.
8. Are there modifications for students with disabilities?
Unfortunately, not at this time. Students are encouraged to do their best on all tests in which they are able to participate. Teachers should enter a “A12” score for those who are performing an adapted technique and finished with an adapted score of 12; an “M” if the student is medically unable to do a specific fitness test; or an “X” if the student did not perform that test due to being absent or for some other reason.
9. How do we know what teacher can log in and have access to their students to be able to ENTER the Fitness Test scores on WELNET?
The answer is based on how your school entered your information for the NAD’s Data Rollup. A) For small schools with students in grades 5-8, generally the classroom teacher will be the one who goes to and logs in to WELNET with their NAD ID # for their username, and their “official” first name in the NAD database as their password. Their students will automatically be there when they click on the FITNESS tab in WELNET. For grades 5-8 in large schools with a PE teacher, the PE teacher will be the one to log in and enter their fitness scores. B) for Grades 9-11, generally whoever is identified as the Teacher by the school office for their PE class(es) in the NAD Data Rollup will be the one who can log in and access their students and enter Fitness Test scores.
10. How do I enter the student’s fitness score?
See the “How To” section of this website for specific instructions.
11. I have a question about the cadence CD. Is it available online via the website? Or does the school have to purchase it?
You may actually download each of the four cadence audio files directly from the website. Click "play" on the audio cadence, and then when it begins playing, you can right click or control-click and click "Save audio as", and save the cadence file to use from whatever device you have to play it. Alternately, instead of clicking the link to play the audio in your browser, simply right-click or control-click on the audio cadence link and choose "download linked file." The cadence CD is no longer sold via traditional sources. However, you might find a cadence CD on Ebay or another non-publisher site.
Thank you for reading. We hope these answers have helped you be better equipped to participate in the project!
If you still have an unanswered question after reviewing the answers above, we would be happy to hear from you. Please choose a contact based your question’s topic:
» Ask a question related to fitness testing or using WELNET.